Placental trophotropism refers to a phenomenon where there is dynamic migration of the placenta at its insertion through gestation. The placenta tends to grow in areas of good blood supply and nutrition and artophies in areas with poor blood supply and poor nutrition. Placental trophotropism is also the reason for placenta previa noted in an early pregnancy scan to resolve in certain cirumstances in a later scan. Trophotropism, also referred to as Dynamic Placentation, placental tissue can be compared to the tendency of a plant to lean towards the sun to get the light it needs to survive. Since the lower segment of the uterus is not as nourishing as the upper segment, the placenta will grow upwards to reach more nourishing tissue.
Farquharson RG, Stephenson MD; Early Pregnancy. Cambridge Univ Pr. (2010)
Baergen RN, Benirschke K.; Manual of Pathology of the Human Placenta. Springer Verlag. (2010)
Benirschke K, Kaufmann P; Pathology of the Human Placenta. Springer (2000)
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I will refrain from the Freudian analysis... |
Based on this theory, developed by Dr. Harris Finberg, M.D., logically one should be able to therefore "coax" the placenta in a desired direction by improving the quality and quantity of blood supply at the top of the uterus while simultaneously reducing the available blood supply to the bottom of the uterus.
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Here fishy fishy fishy!!! |
The interesting thing about this theory is that it gives some weight to the Traditional Chinese Medicinal approach to the condition, as well as, the requirement of Pelvic Rest.
The Traditional Chinese Medicinal therapy for placenta previa is to use acupuncture and herbs to stimulate blood flow to the top of the uterus. In addition, orgasm greatly improves circulation to the vaginal and cervical areas (I sure hope it does!). But doing this however, it gives the placenta a rich source of nutrients. By refraining from all orgasm, stimulation and sex; it doesn't just prevent the cervix from being aggravated, it helps reduce the blood flow to the area (often signified by genital arousal and overall warm fuzzy feelings that I will genuinely spite not having.)
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This is precisely how I envisioned pregnancy. #Fail |
So I'm researching places that do acupuncture on pregnant women. I've yet to find anything in my area. But I'll keep looking. If you hear of anything, leave a comment.
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