Monday, November 21, 2011

Thank You Viki: Home Made TV Dinners

Rice & Pigeon Peas, Mixed Vegetables, Stewed Chicken;
my half eaten apple;
Ignore the AIRWALK BOX in the background (sorting coupons)

Yesterday my sister Victoria came by and cooked a bunch of home made TV dinners for me. She made about 20 of them from things already in my pantry. This saves me a bundle ($$$) and although may be highter in calories than say, Smart Ones; at least most ingredients are organic, low-gmo and happy (chicken). Less pesticides and preservatives are important to promoting fetal growth right now. So although frozen dinners may be one of the only ways to get a hot meal for awhile, the quality of those meals makes a difference if you have a choice.

Raw foods are my foods of choice right now and what I'm craving, but frequent trips to the grocer for fresh produce plus prep time are a no go this week. I try to pick up a few things when I do go out. A few days ago it was apples. *drool* I never thought I'd say this but I would kill for some celery and cashew butter... literally. Watch your back. ;)

The trays for the TV dinners came from an ongoing multi-household collection of hoarding recyclables. For anyone who criticizes us for saving things like that, na na na boo boo. Saving things like that just saved me 20 x $3.00 in TV dinner costs. Tin foil sheets were $2 for 50 count and can definately be reused. While she was here, her and my older son also managed to put together 20 burritos and a half gallon of basmati rice (now in the freezer). The TV dinners are mostly variations of chicken and rice: yellow rice & peas, white rice and beans with either BBQ or stewed chicken. But that's what I eat. I'm suprised I'm even eating chicken but I'm trying to get my protien intake up. This assortment in addition to expectent Thanksgiving leftovers from my parents should help suppliment meals selections for the next couple of weeks.

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