Saturday, November 12, 2011

Name That Baby Contest


  • You can put as many names in a single comment as you'd like.
    Or, you can post as many comments as you like.
  • No names with punctuation or spaces: Shan'ia, Mar-la, La Belle, P*%^$#??? etc.
  • No theme/brand names: Tequila, Mustang, Ocean Spray etc.
  • No play on words: Anita Bath, Candace Spencer, Fanny, Iwanna Olive
  • All name entries should be girl names or unisex
  • If the name you suggested was selected for first or second name, you will be notified by email or a contact I have for you (Phone Number, Facebook, etc.) Please leave your contact information (or email it, along with your username) so I can let you know if you've won.
  • Yes, you can win both first and second name prizes (if you're that good.)
  • If you have additional questions, leave a comment.
  • The baby will be named regardless of outcome.
  • Name will be selected no later than after delivery. Subscribe to this blog for delivery announcement or check back no later than April 30, 2012.
  • Prize will be awarded upon selection(s) but no later than April 30, 2012.


I like names with meanings. Post the meaning if you know it. =)

~~~HAVE FUN~~~


  1. I have a friend who is Iranian and I think her name is so beautiful. I have to ask if there is a meaning. Laili Kafi

  2. That sounds very pretty. My younger sister's name is Lily which sounds similar.

  3. I vote for Aaliyah Sophia : )

  4. *** Note: No comments were removed from this contest post ***

  5. Jocelyn but OMG i love the name Harmony


Announcement: If you've returned to see your comment missing, it's because I've recently uninstalled the Intense Debatable widget due to it's incompatibility with Internet Explorer. You're comments were received, read and appreciated. I hope this minor technical change doesn't deter you from commenting in the future and thank you for following my blog. Your support is valuable to me.