Okay so it's been awhile since I posted an update. Aside from having a really bad cold right now, things are doing alright. I've had zero spotting.
The good news is, I went to my ultrasound and the next day the nurse called me to say that my placenta is moving. However, they didn't take measurements or anything. It was really hard to get a good look because the baby's head is in the way.
On that note, she was already in birthing position as of 27 weeks. That's quite early to be in that position. Her head was so low into my pelvis that they had to push her up in order to do a trans-vaginal scan. But everything else seemed okay.
I've gained a couple more pounds and am at my pre-pregnancy weight officially. Some of it is water weight and it comes and goes, but I'm gaining at a healthy ratio now. Over the next few weeks I should gain quite a bit of weight. I may not. But at least being at this mark, I will most certainly gain at least the minimum 8 pounds required for a women who started off over 20lbs overweight.
So the movement of the placenta means they're ruling out the more dangerous of complications, accreta. At 29 1/2 weeks, if I were to go into premature labor, there would likely be few complications to the baby. Me on the other hand, until total resolution, bleeding may still be a risk. Still, I'm relieved that the baby's chances have improved and that accreta is ruled out.
If the placenta moves enough out of the way in the next 10 weeks, then I won't need to have a C-Section. I'm rooting for a natural birth so go team peanut.
Otherwise, I'm still taking it easy. I missed my last OB appointment because I was sick. And so I spoke to a covering doctor just to get some lab results but I still have to wait until my next appointment to really get the scoop.
My next appointment is February 7th. So I'll keep you all posted :)
Mommys Peanut
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Update: 29.5 Weeks
- Baby is about 15 inches long and weight around 2.5 lbs.
- She can now respond to pain and show obvious pleasure. When I eat something sweet, it may influence the flavor of the fluid she's swallowing. So she may swallow more or grin.
- Her eyes can move around in their sockets and she may be able to follow a light pointed at my belly. No pointing one of those dot things at me.
- Her feet are over 2 inches long.
- Hair on the head can grow and if she's going to have pre-birth hair, it can be clearly visible, textured and colored.
- She can dream while she's sleeping and brainwave scans show REM sleep.
- By the end of the week, she should be able to breath air with little assistance. If born this week, there is over a 90% chance of survival; although complications could still occur, they grow less likely.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Update: 26 Weeks
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Aloha! |
- This is the last week of the second trimester. Next week marks the beginning of the third and final trimester. 13 weeks to go from here.
- Baby measures around 14 inches, weighs between 1.75 and 2 pounds and is about the size of a small pinapple. (So that's why my back hurts.)
- Her spine is becoming stronger, allowing her to extend her body and push against my internal organs, resulting in all kinds of fun pains in my kidneys, bladder and occasionally making me almost pee myself. #TMI
- Her feet are formed, around 2 inches long and have toe prints.
- The eyes are developed now and can partially open and perceive light more clearly than before with eyes closed. Shining a flashlight on my belly may make her move around. This may also make my foot move around to your behind. :)
- Brain wave patterns resemble those of a full term baby at birth. That means she is already determining if you're a douchebag and/or moron.
- The fetus makes breathing movements, but there is no air in the lungs yet - duh. But it's cute none the less.
- The fetal brain scan will show response to touch. Touching and playing with the baby is possible now, as they may respond to your touch through your belly wall. First person to tickle me loses a finger.
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What 26 weeks pregnant looks like inside. It's cool. I don't need my internal organs that much anyway ;) |
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Preemie born around 26 weeks! Awez |
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Choosing A Baby Name
I still haven't picked a baby name.
Just a reminder that the contest is still running. Check it out here.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Toon: I Hate My Thighs
[New Years Resolutions] more from Glasbergen |
Friday, December 30, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Update: 25 Weeks
Only 14 more weeks to go (hopefully all 14 of them).
- Baby is 13.5 inches long and weighs about 1.5 lbs.
- She can make a fist intentionally now, and grasping reflexes are improving. This is to kick major butt if anyone messes with her.
- Blood vessels in the lungs develop which bring oxygen to the lungs. This will be helpful for, um... well, breathing air.
- Structures of the spine begin forming: rings, joints and ligaments.
- Her brain is growing rapidly in layers so she'll be smarter than everyone else, except me. ;)
- She should start flipping over into birthing position soon.
- You can hear her heartbeat by placing your head on my belly, no stethoscope needed. That's not an invitation to do it.
- Chances of survival if born now are upward of 50% with only a 25% or less chance of disability.
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Preemie Born at 25 weeks |
Monday, December 26, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Next Ultrasound Scheduled For 1/12/2012
I haven't been blogging much due to the Thanksgiving -> Christmas holiday cramming. Despite my condition, I've realized that taking it easy this time of year is nearly impossible. The upside is, I've felt great and since my doctor said I don't have to be on strict bed rest, I did manage to get a lot done anyway.
So I had an appointment this past Wednesday. Everything was routine and quick. I did gain another .5 lb and the other 2 I previously gained haven't budged. This was great news to me although now I'm thinking that since I'm gaining, I should probably watch it. My glucose screening will be next week. I tend to tango dangerously close to diabetes. So I'm going to try to go easy on the cookies -- starting after Christmas ;)
All the baby's vitals appear to be fine. My next ultrasound is scheduled for 1/12/2012 where they'll check on the previa and baby's growth. I'm hoping for some progress.
This week marks a very important one in women with previa. At 24 weeks the baby/fetus is considered viable. So that means if she was born now, she has a really good chance of survival with intensive care. The longer she bakes the better still, it's assuring to know that the risk of loss is dropping.
So I had an appointment this past Wednesday. Everything was routine and quick. I did gain another .5 lb and the other 2 I previously gained haven't budged. This was great news to me although now I'm thinking that since I'm gaining, I should probably watch it. My glucose screening will be next week. I tend to tango dangerously close to diabetes. So I'm going to try to go easy on the cookies -- starting after Christmas ;)
All the baby's vitals appear to be fine. My next ultrasound is scheduled for 1/12/2012 where they'll check on the previa and baby's growth. I'm hoping for some progress.
This week marks a very important one in women with previa. At 24 weeks the baby/fetus is considered viable. So that means if she was born now, she has a really good chance of survival with intensive care. The longer she bakes the better still, it's assuring to know that the risk of loss is dropping.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Update: 24 Weeks - Viability Milestone!!!
- Baby weighs about 1.3 lbs, is a foot long and is gaining around 30 ounces per week. This week though, she'll gain 6 ounces of muscle, tissue and bone mass.
- She would be considered viable at this stage and has around a 36% chance of survival if born preterm.
- Her ears and taste buds work better and may be able to make pissed off faces if she hears or tastes something she doesn't like.
- Waking and sleeping schedule will become more regular although it may be too early to start counting kicks.
- Creases have appeared on her hands and her fingerprints are formed. She didn't do it, I swear.
- Eyelids are fully defined and her eyelashes are visible on a 3d ultrasound. She won't be able to wear mascara though for quite awhile.
- She can now get the hiccups and stick out her tongue on purpose. :p
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Preemie Born 24 weeks |
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Preemie Born 24 weeks |
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Girl Baby Names That Start With G
- Gabrielle: God Is My Strength (Hebrew)
- Gaea: Godess of the Earth (Greek)
- Galiana: Supreme One (Gernman)
- Galina: Light (Russion)
- Galya: God is Redeemed (Hebrew)
- Ganesa: Good Luck (Hindu)
- Gemma: Jewel (Latin)
- Genesis: Origin (Hebrew) - I like this one.
- Giavanna: Little Angel (American)
- Githa: Gift (Hindu)
Disclaimer: I'm just posting names I find interesting. I have not decided on the letter G or any letter/name at all. I welcome all to make suggestions in the Baby Name Contest. In the meantime, I'll be going through the baby name book I have and posting the names that don't repulse me from each letter (lol). I'm sure there are many more that are not in the book so if you know of any more P names for girls (or unisex), feel free to make some suggestions below as well.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Update: 23 Weeks
Peanut is still roasting <3
- Baby is almost a foot long and weighs a little over 1 pound.
- Her weight over the next four weeks will double. Eek.
- Next week marks a critical milestone in women with previa. A major growth spurt lasting several weeks usually starts to turn things toward the better. But in persistent cases, fetal weight gain can start to take a toll on the supporting womb and placenta, increasing the risk of maternal bleeding and premature delivery.
- However, after 23 weeks of pregnancy, if born now, she has a 15% chance of survival. Her odds are going up with each passing day.
- She has begun producing insulin, important for the metabolism of things like cookies and cupcakes.
- Her skin is starting to develop color as blood vessels and capillaries grow under her skin.
- Her lungs are preparing to breathe. She's starting to produce a substance which allows the air sacs in the lungs to inflate and keeps them from sticking together or collapsing.
- Her nostrils will open this week and and the enamel that will cover baby’s teeth is forming.
- All the nerve cells are all in place now and will begin to join together to fully form a nervous system.
- Thanks to a fully developed inner ear, which controls balance, she may soon have a sense of whether she is upside-down or right side up. This is also important because this may entice her to change positions.
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Preemie born at 23 weeks |
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Girl Baby Names That Start With L
- La-Kai: Sunny Ocean (Hawaiian)
- Lael: Belonging To God (Hebrew)
- Lalasa: Love (Hindu)
- Lani: Heaven (Hawaiian)
- Lavani: Grace (Hindu)
- Laylani: Peaceful One (Hawaiian)
- Layna: Light, Truth (Greek)
- Leahanna: Beauty (English)
- Legacy: Reknown (American)
- Lelia: Amazing (Irish)
- Lexine: Defender of Mankind (Hebrew)
- Leyna: Angel (German)
- Liana: Youth (French)
- Liese: Beloved By God (German)
- Lisette: Consecrated To God (Hebrew)
- London: Calm (English)
- Lucinda: Little Light
Disclaimer: I'm just posting names I find interesting. I have not decided on the letter L or any letter/name at all. I welcome all to make suggestions in the Baby Name Contest. In the meantime, I'll be going through the baby name book I have and posting the names that don't repulse me from each letter (lol). I'm sure there are many more that are not in the book so if you know of any more P names for girls (or unisex), feel free to make some suggestions below as well.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Update: 22 Weeks (entering month 6!) ~ Good News! I gained almost 2 lbs!
~~***~ ENTERING MONTH SIX ~***~~
- Baby is about 11 inches long (head to heel) and weighs about 1 pound.
- Her eyes are fully formed but they don't have any color yet. I'm hoping they turn gray like Joseph's :) Her hair is growing in but also lacks pigment. Right now it is white.
- Her kicks, punches and movement is strong enough for other people to feel when touching the belly. That's not an invitation to touch my belly. Lmao.
- Her eyebrows are visible on a 3d ultrasound.
- She has a developed brain that will start to begin to develop folds (brain wrinkles) as she collects information through her senses.
- Her sense of touch is progressing so rapidly right now that her reflexes, including grasp and sucking are becoming more instinctual.
- She knows the difference between light and dark and shining a flashlight on my belly may make her move. That's not an invitation to shine a flashlight on my belly.
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Preemie born around 22 weeks. |
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Thanks Nanna!
I have to give a big shout out to my mother who came by on Monday and Tuesday to hang out with Joseph. On Monday she arrived at 9 a.m. and took him to the park to play for nearly 3 hours. He came back covered head to toe in dirt and sand. He had so much fun. He came in the house with this expression on his face...
His excitement stimulated a similar feeling in me. It looked something like this:
I haven't taken Joseph out much in the past few weeks; at least, not to "play" (via Parks, climbing things, things inevitably resulting in my somehow getting kicked or stepped on.) It was nice to see him come in from having such a great time. He went for a nap after lunch and slept 4 hours. I went out and got some Christmas Shopping done which I do appreciate, but I was up all night, since he woke around 6pm and stayed up until past midnight...
On Tuesday morning she took him out again after his teacher left. This time they went to a different park and then went to her house. I had planned to be productive, but instead I went to sleep. That was good too though, because I needed it (after staying up with him all night lmao). I had a second wind when I went to get him. He was exhausted and fell asleep on the way home. I ended up detouring for more shopping.
Today is a rainy Wesnesday. He woke up this morning RIPPING AND READY TO GO. Me on the other hand, I had planned to go to the mall and took one trip out to the corner store only to turn back around. Lol. Yeah, um, not.
Still, I'm super-grateful he got those 2 days to have fun. He was so calm today and didn't even have a meltdown when I told him the new plan for the day was staying in and watching movies. The mall will have to wait. I think tonight we'll also make Nanna some cookies to say thank you for all the help.
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Not actually Joseph |
His excitement stimulated a similar feeling in me. It looked something like this:
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I am a germaphobe |
I haven't taken Joseph out much in the past few weeks; at least, not to "play" (via Parks, climbing things, things inevitably resulting in my somehow getting kicked or stepped on.) It was nice to see him come in from having such a great time. He went for a nap after lunch and slept 4 hours. I went out and got some Christmas Shopping done which I do appreciate, but I was up all night, since he woke around 6pm and stayed up until past midnight...
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Looks innocent enough eh? |
On Tuesday morning she took him out again after his teacher left. This time they went to a different park and then went to her house. I had planned to be productive, but instead I went to sleep. That was good too though, because I needed it (after staying up with him all night lmao). I had a second wind when I went to get him. He was exhausted and fell asleep on the way home. I ended up detouring for more shopping.
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What?! I bought presents for other people, I swear *crosses fingers* |
Today is a rainy Wesnesday. He woke up this morning RIPPING AND READY TO GO. Me on the other hand, I had planned to go to the mall and took one trip out to the corner store only to turn back around. Lol. Yeah, um, not.
Still, I'm super-grateful he got those 2 days to have fun. He was so calm today and didn't even have a meltdown when I told him the new plan for the day was staying in and watching movies. The mall will have to wait. I think tonight we'll also make Nanna some cookies to say thank you for all the help.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Girl Baby Names That Start With D
- Dae: Greatness (Korean)
- Dakota: Friend (Native American)
- Damani: Tomorrow (American)
- Damini: Lightening (Hindu)
- Damali: Vision (Arabic)
- Danica: The Morning Star (Slavic)
- Daniya: Unique
- Dara: Compassion, Angel of Rain (Hebrew)
- Daria: Queen (Persian)
- Darlene: Little Darling (Anglo-Saxon)
- Dasha: Gift of God (Greek)
- Daytona: City of the Day (American) - Daddy mentioned this one.
- Dayton: Sunny (English) - I like this version more than the one daddy mentioned.
- Dea: Godess of Love (Latin)
- Deandra: Gracious (Greek)
- Deborah: Bee, To Speak Kindness (Hebrew)
- Delphine: Calm (Greek)
- Demetria: Goddess of Harvest (Greek)
- Demitria: Strong (Irish)
- Dominique: Belonging to God (French)
Disclaimer: I'm just posting names I find interesting. I have not decided on the letter D or any letter/name at all. I welcome all to make suggestions in the Baby Name Contest. In the meantime, I'll be going through the baby name book I have and posting the names that don't repulse me from each letter (lol). I'm sure there are many more that are not in the book so if you know of any more P names for girls (or unisex), feel free to make some suggestions below as well.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Girl Baby Names That Start With P
- Padmani: Flower (Sri Lanka)
- Pascha: Small (Russian)
- Patia: Most High (Greek)
- Paulette: Small (French) - Grandpa's name is Paul.
- Paulina: Small (French) - ^ see above
- Pauline: Small (French) - ^ see above
- Perenna: Eternal (Latin)
- Persia: 'Country Name'
- Petra: Rock (Greek)
- Phaedra: Glowing (Greek)
- Philothea: Loves God (Greek)
- Porsche: Offering (German) - Daddy mentioned this one.
- Portia: Offering (Latin) - Same as Porsche but with a different spelling.
- Preya: Prayer (Latin)
- Priti: Love (Sanskrit)
- Priya: Beloved (Sanskrit)
- Purity: Clean (English)
Disclaimer: I'm just posting names I find interesting. I have not decided on the letter P or any letter/name at all. I welcome all to make suggestions in the Baby Name Contest. In the meantime, I'll be going through the baby name book I have and posting the names that don't repulse me from each letter (lol). I'm sure there are many more that are not in the book so if you know of any more P names for girls (or unisex), feel free to make some suggestions below as well.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
A Warp In The Time Space Continuum
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Is it 5'oclock yet? |
Thanksgiving has came and went. I tried my damnedest to eat half a turkey, personally. I've gained... nothing. I'm feeling, like... this:
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Note: This is not actually a picture of me, but a picture of my soul. |
I try to stay busy, within reason. I've was given the go to walk and I've had the stamina, so I've been doing a little shopping and errands. My approach is preparing for the possibility of not being able to at any given moment. So it's been productive. Yet, usually when I'm busy the time will fly by. Not so of this past week. This week felt like a month. Explain that Einstein.
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Seriously? |
Update: 21 Weeks
21 Weeks is here. Woot woot.
- Baby is around 10 1/2 inches long (head to foot) and weighs about a quarter of a pound.
- The flavor of whatever I eat influences the flavor of the amniotic fluid, which baby is swallowing. However, now she can actually taste and is using her new tastebuds. This will influence flavor preferences later on and why my kids all like the taste of uber-loaded nachos supreme, vegi pizza and anything with curry on it.
- The tounge is formed and she might practice giving a rasberry or sticking out her tounge as to say, "Na na na na na..."
- Her skin is changing from translucent to opaque. She no longer looks like a zombie. The skin is now reddish like a pale tomato and will develop its color over the coming weeks.
- Anyone can now hear her heartbeat with a regular stethascope. However, that is not an invitation to do so. Lol.
- She's developing a sleep and waking pattern, taking regular naps and is designing her internal clock. Eating, sleeping, light and noise outside the womb serve as signals. She's definately dreaming now (REM) and might smile or scowl while asleep.
- She can now kick and punch with more coordination and with intention. She can now kick back if poked or totally push away from light or noise.
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A preemie born around 21 weeks. |
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Update: 20 Weeks: Half Baked! Happy Thanksgiving
- Baby is around 10 inches long (head to foot) and weighs about 10 1/2 ounces.
- She can hear sound now and will become startled and cover ears with hands if a loud or abrupt sound is made. She can dislike whack Hip Hop.
- She should already know familiar voices and sounds and will start to memorize and become familiar other sounds like music. Now when people talk to the belly, she can actually hear the conversation. People who talk to the belly are no longer crazy at this point.
- She's starting to remember things and understand herself and surroundings, like her own hands and feet and may have a special place and position to sleep or play, suck her thumb on purpose or pick her nose.
- Her hands and toes are growing nails and her hair is growing rapidly. Mini eyelashes are done forming. Knowing my genetics, vanity is starting to form.
- At this point the baby is in accurate proporation and by the end of the week will look like a real minature infant.
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Preemie born around 20 weeks. |
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Happy Thanksgiving |
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